carlos nobre
Carlos Nobre
Member of the Board of Directors of the BKK

Carlos A. Nobre is a Brazilian climatologist. Engineer from ITA (1974) and doctorate in meteorology from MIT (1983). He dedicated his scientific career mainly to the Amazon and climate science. He launched the hypothesis of “savannization” of the Amazon 30 years ago in response to deforestation. 

It has been studying the risks to the Amazon from deforestation, climate change and the increase in fires. In 2016, it launched the concept of the “Third Amazon Way”, as an alternative for the sustainable development of the region, aiming at the emergence of an innovative standing forest bioeconomy using modern technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a project known as “Amazônia 4.0”. to sustainably exploit the enormous potential of rich biodiversity.

He is a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and of the World Academy of Sciences. He received the Volvo Environmental Prize in 2016, the Von Humboldt Medal from the EGU in 2010 and was one of the authors of the IPCC AR4, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He served as Secretary of Research and Development Policies at the Ministry of S&T , President of CAPES. 

He was the creator of the Earth System Science Center and head of the Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies-CPTEC, both at INPE, and the creator of the National Center for Monitoring and Alerts for Natural Disasters-CEMADEN. He is currently a collaborating researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies at USP and at the Institute for Climate Studies at UFES.

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